On its 20th Anniversary Koya University Announces a Joint International Conference with PJTF

A joint international oil and gas conference between Koya University and the President Jalal Talabani Foundation has been announced.

On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, the President of Koya University, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq, along with the Vice president for Scientific Affairs and postgraduate studies, Asst. Prof. Dr. Halgurd Sarhang Maghdid, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Health Prof. Dr. Zrar Saleem Marzani, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education Prof. Dr. Nawzad Hussein Darwish, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Asst. Prof. Dr. Shwan Omar Khidhir, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Asst. Prof. Dr. Azhin Tahir Saber , Director General of Research and Development Centers Asst. Prof. Dr. Galawezh Bakr Bapir and Director of Media Asst. Lect. Mohammed Karim Saedgul visited President Jalal Talabani Foundation in Sulaimany.

First of all, Ambassador Mohammed Sabir Ismail, President of Jalal Talabani Foundation, welcomed the delegation and congratulated Koya University on its 20th anniversary.

For his part, the President of Koya University expressed his pleasure to visit the President Jalal Talabani Foundation and said that today's visit to the Foundation is to announce a joint international conference with the President Jalal Talabani Foundation and this conference is the first concrete step in the MoU's implementation, also as a university, we place a high value on it.

Third oil and gas conference to take place at Koya University, this one is called the International Oil and Gas Conference. The third conference will be co-hosted by Koya University, the President Jalal Talabani Foundation, Basra University in Iraq, and the University of Missouri in the US.

Koya University and its partners in this conference seek to improve management and processing of chemical waste in oil operations and lessen damage to the environment. Kurdistan Region and Koya City are two territories that have significant oil deposits in the world.


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News Date
Koya University & PJTF
20th anniversary of Koya University