We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Conference, “Religion and Social Peace: Challenges and Prospects ICRSP 2022", which will be held on 16-17 Feb. 2022, Erbil-Iraq, and organized by Catholic University in Erbil, jointly with Koya University. This conference aims to join together researchers, academics and professionals interested in matters relating to religion and social peace.

Authors and researchers are invited to submit research according to the following:

  • Submit an abstract of 150-250 words with the researcher's CV, phone number and e-mail. The accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • The research should be within the conference topics and meets the conditions of scientific research of no more than 15 pages, ncluding the title of the research, the name of the researcher(s), the place of work, the name of the country, the research abstract and keywords. The research will be accepted in any of the three languages (English, Arabic or Kurdish). Selected research papers will be published in the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences of Koya University. The selected research papers will be subjected to double blind reviewing process and will be submitted in compliance with the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN:2522-3259, DOI:10.14500/2522-3259 and DOAJ.
  • Research published or accepted to be published in previous conferences or journals will not be accepted.


About the Conference

Under the patronage of Dr. Aram Muhammad Qadir, Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research of Kurdistan Region, and under the slogan of “An Integrative Vision to the Promotion of Coexistence”, Catholic University in Erbil and Koya University will hold their joint International Conference on "Religion & Social Peace: Challenges and Prospects" (ICRSP 2022), on 16-17 February 2022, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Important Dates:

  1. Dead line for submission of research abstracts:  10th Oct.2021.
  2. Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 20th Oct. 2021.
  3. The dead line for submission of final research papers: 20th Dec. 2021.
  4. Announcement of accepted research papers: 15th Jan. 2022.

Online Submission

The Catholic University in Erbil has lanced a platform on the university website for the online submission of researches.
Portal web site for registration: http://conferences.cue.edu.krd/index.php/ICRSP/ICRSP


CUE  Tel: +9647506013333
          Tel: +9647509013333
Email: icrsp2022@cue.edu.krd

Conference Chair


Conference Co-Chair



Scientific Committees

Prof. Dr. Hemin Azez Braim (Koya) (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Satya Subrahamanyam (CUE) (Vice Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Alda Benjamen (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abu-Nimer (School of International Service, American University, Washington, USA)
Prof. Dr. Asrar Ahmad Khan (Ankra University, Turkia)
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Adel Ziaee (Tehran University, Iran)
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Ghaneem (Al-Mansoura University-Egypt)
Prof. Dr. Baderkhan Mustafa Ibrahim (Koya University)
Fr. Dr. Ameer Jaje op. (Vice-Rector of the Dominican International University, France)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Iqbal Gorgis (CUE)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yadgar Kamal Ahmad (CUE)
Lect. Dr. Aziz Emmanuel al- Zebari (CUE)
Lect. Dr. Omar Hassan Saeed (Koya University)
Asst. Lect. Mr. Muhammad Ibrahimi (CUE)


Organizing committee:

Asst. Prof. Dr. Riadh Frances Dinha (President of CUE) (chairman)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Haidar Lashkry (Koya University) (Vice Charmin)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rostam Salam Aziz (Koya University)
Lect. Dr. Firas Almukhtar (CUE)
Lect. Dr. Hawkar Bapeer Baker (Koya University)
Lect. Dr. Banar Jodat Ahmad (Koya University)
Lect. Dr. Bjar Othman Ahmad (Koya University)
Lect. Dr. Manhal Boya (CUE)
Ms. Vida Hana (CUE)


Subcription and Publishing Fees

25 $- Participation only.
50$ - Presentation of research paper / research article.
150$- Research paper/ research article presentation with 1 day accommodation.
250$-Research paper/ research article presentation with 2 days accommodation.
100$- Publishing research paper/ research article.



The conference aims to:

  • Involve the general public in realizing social peace at all levels. Boost coexistence and unity through finding a realistic interpretation of the religious and doctrinal texts that are in harmony with the common social norms. Building a strong social relation between Iraqi individuals and families to promote dialogue of coexistence and renounce violence and extremism in its various forms, politically, educationally, intellectually and religiously.
  • Highlight the role of religious and educational institutions and the media in boosting social peace. Find means of overcoming the challenges that hinder the religious and ethnic minorities from assuming a more constructive role in enhancing social peace and coexistence. 


Conference topics

Respected researchers can submit their research papers within the following topics:

  1. Religious minorities and political participation (the current mechanism, challenges and prospects).
  2. Outcomes of the visit of His Holiness the Pope of the Vatican to Iraq and the region.
  3. The role of religion in Iraq and Kurdistan Region in spreading the culture of coexistence and social peace among citizens at the levels of thought and action.
  4. Religious minorities at risk during conflicts (a case study of unarmed minorities)
  5. Religious beliefs and their impact on peaceful coexistence in society.
  6. Religious political violence and its impact on coexistence.
  7. The tasks of religion in formulating a new concept for politics.
  8. The tasks of religious educational institutions in establishing coexistence and rejecting extremism.
  9. The function of social media in deepening the concept of social peace.

ICRSP; Koya University

ICRSP; Koya University

ICRSP; Koya University

ICRSP; Koya University

ICRSP; Koya University

ICRSP; Koya University

ICRSP; Koya University


Koya University (KOU) is located in the city of Koya (Koy Sanjaq) which is 1.0 hr drive to the East of the Kurdistan Region capital Erbil (Arbil, Hewlér) in Kurdistan Region of F.R. Iraq. It is on the foothills of beautiful high mountain. Its campus has been carefully laid out to embrace the beautiful mountainous nature. . There are 4 Faculties and 2 Schools in KOU; Faculty of Engineering (FENG), Faculty of Science and Health (FSCH), Faculty of Education (FEDU), Faculty of Humanities and Social Silences (FHSS), Shcool of Physical Education (SPHE) and School of Medicine (SMED). Also, there are two research centers; Genome Center and Malai Gawra Center. Moreover, at KOU there is an English Language Center (BELC) at KOU has been opened with the sponsorship of IREX and American embassy in Baghdad as well as with the support of Spring International Language Center of The University of ArkansasKOU has two Scientific Journals; ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University, which is indexed by Clarivate Analytics (ESCI), and Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (KUJHSS). KOU is a proactive member of Erasmus/ Marhaba Project and Erasmus+. KOU signed many Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with many International Universities, e.g., The University of Arkansas (June 2015). The Lulea University in Sweden (April 2014), The University of Nottingham in the UKThe University of Buckingham in the UK (Oct 2008), Belkin University in Turkey (Sep 2009) and The University of Greenwich in the UK.

News Date
Koya University