The HUMANITE Organization Awarded Certificates to 14 Students of Koya University

The students of Koya University, comprising 14 individuals from various departments, were awarded certificates by the HUMANITE organization after completing a course in academic skills.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a ceremony overseen by the Labor Development Center at Koya University took place. The event was attended by directors from HUMANITE and supported by the United States Consulate General in the Kurdistan Region. The HUMANITE Certificate was awarded to 14 students from various departments of Koya University who had previously completed the organization's course in developing academic skills.

Enhancing academic skills related to job opportunities allows students to secure employment opportunities, aligning with Koya University's strategic plan and the key pillar of "Student Success."

It is noteworthy that among the 14 participating students, 4 students secured job opportunities with the assistance of the HUMANITE organization.

Koya University

Koya University

Koya University

Koya University

Koya University

Koya University (KOU) is located in the city of Koya (Koy Sanjaq) which is 1.0 hr drive to the East of the Kurdistan Region capital Erbil (Arbil, Hewlér) in Kurdistan Region of F.R. Iraq. It is on the foothills of a beautiful high mountain. Its campus has been carefully laid out to embrace the beautiful mountainous nature.

There are 4 Faculties and 2 Schools in KOU; Faculty of Engineering (FENG), Faculty of Science and Health (FSCH), Faculty of Education (FEDU), Faculty of Humanities and Social Silences (FHSS), Shcool of Physical Education (SPHE) and School of Medicine (SMED).

Also, there are two research centers; Genome Center and Malai Gawra Center. Moreover, at KOU there is an English Language Center (BELC) at KOU has been opened with the sponsorship of IREX and American embassy in Baghdad as well as with the support of Spring International Language Center of The University of ArkansasKOU has two Scientific Journals; ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University, which is indexed by Clarivate Analytics (ESCI), and Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (KUJHSS). KOU is a proactive member of Erasmus/ Marhaba Project and Erasmus+.

KOU signed many Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with many International Universities, e.g., The University of Arkansas (June 2015). The Lulea University in Sweden (April 2014), The University of Nottingham in the UKThe University of Buckingham in the UK (Oct 2008), Belkin University in Turkey (Sep 2009) The University of Greenwich in the UKCihan University-Erbil (2021) and Tishk International University (2021).

Koya University is a memebr of The Association of Arab Universities and the International Association of Universities.

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Koya University