Koya University's Aro Journal has Achieved the Highest Impact Factor in Iraq

In the most recent global journal rating (The Web of Science Core CollectionTM-Clarivate Analytics), Koya University's Aro Journal received an impact factor (IF=1.2).

The Aro Journal was the first publication in the Kurdistan Region to receive an impact factor (IF = 0.6) and the first of six Iraqi journals to receive this index. The journal was closely observed by Clarivate Analytics from 2016 to 2020, during which time the number of papers increased to the point where it was ready to achieve an impact factor (IF = 0.6). This was published in June 2023 (JCR.2022).

As per the June 2024 (JCR 2023) edition of Clarivate Analytics, the impact factor of Aro Journal experienced a rise to (IF=1.2) and (IF=1.0) in the case of self-reference protected articles.

Koya University's Aro Journal is an academic publication devoted to science and engineering. Six papers were published in the inaugural Aro issue, which was released in 2013. 

To this point, Aro Journal has published 22 issues, comprising 267 top-notch scientific papers written by both domestic and international researchers.

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Koya University

Koya University

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Koya University