Two Koya University researchers in the Department of Chemical Engineering conducted a joint research with the British Teesside University. The research is entitled (The Best recovery for the Gaseous Liquids from Natural Gas with the Use of Turbux Spider), which will be published under the name of Koya University in a high- impact factor journal in the USA. One of the researchers explains the process of conducting the research, its importance and content to the Koya University Newsletter.
Mr. Ribwar Kirmanj Abdul-Rahman and Dr. Mohammed H. Zangana, the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department conducted a joint research with Dr.mmanuel M. Sebastian, from the British Teesside University. The research is entitled (The Best recovery for the Gaseous Liquids from Natural Gas with the use of Turbux Spider).
Concerning the importance of this research, Mr. Ribwar says, "Associated gas from oil wells is the most common raw natural gas in the Middle East countries and comprises about 70% of Iraq’s natural gas resources. Associated gas is usually loaded with considerable amounts of C2+ hydrocarbons. Liquids from these hydrocarbons commonly referred to as NGLs, include ethane, propane, butanes, and natural gasoline. They can be used as fuel or as feedstock in refineries and petrochemical plants, while the heavier portion can be used as gasoline-blending stock. They must be removed and recovered from the raw natural gas stream in order to produce pipeline-quality dry natural gas and to meet safe delivery and combustion specifications.''
Concerning the main axes of the research Mr. Ribwar says '' This study was aimed at simulating and maximizing NGL recovery by applying the latest V.8 Aspen HYSYS simulator and examining the demethanizer feed pressure."
As far as the content of the research is concerned, he says, "Associated gas from oil wells is the most common raw natural gas in the Middle East countries and comprises about 70% of Iraq’s natural gas resources. Associated gas is usually loaded with considerable amounts of C2+ hydrocarbons. Liquids from these hydrocarbons commonly referred to as NGLs, include ethane, propane, butanes, and natural gasoline. They can be used as fuel or as feedstock in refineries and petrochemical plants, while the heavier portion can be used as gasoline-blending stock. They must be removed and recovered from the raw natural gas stream in order to produce pipeline-quality dry natural gas and to meet safe delivery and combustion specifications. This being the case, this study was aimed at simulating and maximizing NGL recovery by applying the latest V.8 Aspen HYSYS simulator and examining the demethanizer feed pressure. Keywords: natural gas liquids, process optimization, NGL recovery, process optimization, Aspen HYSYS, turboexpander, demethanizer."
Concerning the main findings of the research he says, "This study was aimed at simulating and maximizing NGL recovery by applying the latest V.8 Aspen HYSYS simulator and examining the demethanizer feed pressure."
This research has been published in a high- impact factor journal in USA. Mr. Ribwar mentions the following information about the journal:
Journal name; Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils,
Journal impact factor; 2014 Impact Factor 0.133
Publisher; Springer Science, New York USA
ISSN: 1573-8310 (electronic version)
Finally he talks about the value of the research to other researchers and other people saying, ''Many researchers and gas companies will benefit from the research results and the process simulation procedure. NGLs are the main feed-stock for petrochemical industry and many other industries."
Ribwar Kirmanj Abdulrahman is an assistant lecturer and an expert in natural gas in the Department of Chemical Engineering. He has 26 published researches and 2 books. For more information click here
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The Faculty of Engineering is one of the most important faculties of Koya University. It has a high status in the academic structure of the University and consists of seven specialized departments, which are: Architectural, Civil, Geotechnical, Oil, Chemical, software and Manufacturing engineering. For more information click here