e-Smart University – Koya University as an example, was the title of series of seminars presented by the Vice president for Scientific Affairs of Koya University and Higher Education Koya University to the Universities of Human Development, Salahaddin, Sulaimani, Raparin and Charmo, following the four seminars on e-Smart University presented to Koya University academic Staff, Dr. Dilan Majid Rostam, the Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, held the same seminar for leadership and academic staff of the listed universities.
Koya University owns a firm electronic foundation
Talking on the strategy of an e-Smart inclusive academic community for Koya University, Dr. Dilan said, "A firm electronic foundation has been laid for running Koya University's inclusive communication. We are a head of other regional universities in creating a system that is e-enabling all members of our academic community, and our experience in this field is unique. We have developed and applied what needed for an advanced self-promoting academic portfolio and offered all facilities to adopt such a strategy. What remains is the engaging and maintaining of the tools by the teachers and students. Teachers can use the system as a means to enhance their academic presence or visibility and also to strengthen their academic relations with their students as well as creating academic forrtprint with academic impact."Dr. Dilan also referred to the purpose of laying the foundation for such a strategy saying,"Laying the foundation for such a strategy, for which the world leading institutes have worked hard and recorded a global reputation, has educational and teaching implications. Education and quality are two inseparable phenomana and at the present time, the purpose of education and teaching is not teaching students some basic numbers and facts, but to create professionals who are capable of having roles in building their community, as well as having problem solving mind with critical thinking."
University of Human Developmet
On Thursday 12th of Nov Dr Dilan held a seminar on "An e-Smart Interactive University" which empower the information sharing for the university leadership of the University of Human Development UHD in Silémaní Campus. The present of the university Dr Rashid expressed his deep appreciation to Dr. Dilan for holding the seminar and sharing his expertise with UHD. Dr. Dilan began with shedding light on concept of quality in higher education and revealed the impact of sharing information and accountability of stakeholders in rising the quality of a measurable outcome of higher education, namely the graduates. He mapped the way to accelerating the process of running the administrative affairs and removing the routine through using e-Smart solution with very low budget. The solution has been possible through wide study on current affairs of the academic community, the culture of performance and communication, identifying the bottlenecks and providing logical ways for more sensible interactions routs, as well as redefining the concept of success as an academic community that can create a better visible sense of belonging. Dr Dilan used the implementation of such strategy at Koya University as a practical example of measurable success.
Dr. Dilan also emphasized that the regional universities should understand the concept of collaboration to exchange solutions and ideas to raise the quality of education in the public university as a whole. At the end, the president of the University shared the views of the seminar and showed his appreciation to Dr. Dilan M Rostam for his contribution. For more information, click here
Salahaddin University
On Monday, 23/11/2015, at the University's Social and Cultural Centre, in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dizayi, the President of Salahaddin University, the vice presidents, the deans of the colleges, the heads of the departments and the staff in charge of quality assurance in the colleges, Salahaddin University organized a seminar about E-Smart university for Dr. Dilan Majid, the Koya University Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education. At the beginning of the seminar, the president of the University welcomed the guests and expressed thanks to Dr. Dilan for sharing his academic experience with the participants. Dr. Dilan explained how to accelerate the process of carrying out the administrative work of the university and put an end to the routine method, which, as he said, can be achieved by using E-Smart University and by making use of the modern system of the advanced universities of the world. The E-Smart University connects all the sections of the academic community together; it also connects the university with other local, Iraqi and world universities. Dr. Dilan stressed that the staff in charge of the university must trust the system and work for it in order for the system to be effective and can be of benefit to the education and teaching system in the university and in order to obtain an academic and administrative level similar to that of world universities. For more information, click here
Raparin University
On Monday 7/12/2015, The Directorate of Public Relations, Media and Publications of Raparin University organized a seminar for Dr. Dilan Majid Rostam, which was attended by Dr. Muhammad Ali, the President of Raparin University, the members of the University Council, the heads of the departments and a number of their academic staff and students. Dr. Dilan concentrated on the importance and role of building electronic universities in raising the academic level of the universities. For more information, click here
Sulaimani University
On Thursday 10/12/2015, at 12 a.m., at the Seminar Hall of School of Science of Sulaimani University, a seminar entitled (Empowering Information Sharing an e-smart Interactive University, A$00.000 Ambition) was organized for Dr. Dilan Majid Rostam Roshani, the Koya University Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education. During the seminar Dr. Roshani focused on the ways of enhancing the education level at the universities and electronizing the university work. For more information, click here.
Charmo unversity
On Sunday 13/12/2015, the Presidency of Charmo University organized a seminar for Dr. Dilan Majid Rostam, the Koya University Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education. In the seminar, the Vice President explained how laying a firm electronic foundation for the universities helps the universities to thrive and the ideas to be developed and implemented. He stated, "Through promoting the quality of the universities and of quality assurance, we can ensure better future for the university graduates and help them build strong personalities capable of competing for work opportunities in the work markets." For more information, click here.
Concerning these seminars, Dr. Dilan says, "We want everybody to benefit from such experiences so that, with the collective efforts of all, we will be able to build a smart region." He also focused on the process of quality assurance and academic visibility of the academic staff with the aim of promoting the quality of the universities and creating skilled and intelligent graduates able to compete for job opportunities in the dynamic work market." Dr. Dilan stresses the need for coordination and cooperation among the universities in order to be able to share experiences with each other and enable the universities to obtain satisfactory and desired results in the ranking process.
The Ranking of Universities
The academic ranking is a process of ranking the world universities to show their academic level and value. The rankings are prepared and presented continuously by different academic ranking centres, such as Shanghai Ranking shanghairanking.com,Times Higher Eduation timeshighereducation.com, Center for World University Rankings cwur.org.
Similarly, there are some world web pages which carry out electronic ranking for all the universities of the world, such as Webometrics webometrics.info. All these centres conduct the process based on transparent standards and use indicators that measure the overall academic level of the university such as, the academic level of students, the relation of the university to work markets, researches and inventions, the academic ability of the academic staff, the academic performance of the university at the regional, and global levels, etc. In the same way countries conduct ranking processes for their own universities to monitor their academic standard and value like the National Universities Ranking (NUR) conducted in the kurdistan Region as a historic achievement to enhance the process of academic education.
- BY: Koya University Press Room
- Translated by: Koya University Translation Unit (TRU)