Dr. Saman Tahir Faraj, a Lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine at Koya University, presented a rare medical case and participated in the first international conference of the American College of Surgeons-Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
The first international conference of the American College of Surgeons - Kurdistan Regional Chapter was held From November 30 to December 1, 2023, in Erbil. Dr. Saman Tahir Faraj, a Lecturer at Koya University in the Faculty of Medicine, participated in presenting a rare medical case entitled "11-Year-Old Girl With Giant Juvenile FibroAdenoma, First Case Report in Erbil City''.
During the conference, honorary awards were distributed by the Minister of Health of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Mr. Saman Barzanji, to the holders of the American College of Surgeons' Certificates. Dr. Saman Tahir Faraj was one of them.