Assist. Prof. Dr. Sahar Al-Qaisi, director of the Heritage Conservation Research program, from the Department of Architectural Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at Koya University joined a thematic school of the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) about Social sciences and high-risk fields in Syria and the Middle East From Sunday 26 May to Saturday 1 June 2024 At the Paul Langevin Centre (CNRS) in AUSSOIS. 

The aim of this thematic school is to offer a multidisciplinary training in the methodological, theoretical and ethical issues specific to high-risk fields in social sciences. It mainly addressed the ethics of research in the social sciences, and the archives in exile: collection, processing, and storage. The mornings were dedicated to the major courses, while the afternoons were for workshops. The evenings on the other hand, witnessed cultural and artistic activities.

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Koya University