A Hall Was Opened at Koya University Under the Name of The Late Dr. Akram Hashim Taha
On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, the Koya University Council, led by University President Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hasib Seddiq, attended the opening ceremony of a hall named after “The Late Dr. Akram Hashim Taha.
The ceremony was held in the presence of the late wife and son of Dr. Akram and a large number of his friends, and his students at the Genetic Centre.
During the ceremony, the University President expressed his condolences to Koya University, his family, friends and students, and his loss was a major loss for Koya University.
Dr. Mohammed Hasib talked about The Role and Work of Dr. Akram throughout his years of service at Koya University and emphasized that unwanted and high-level scientific people such as Dr. Akram are barely repeated.
The University President thanked the faculty of science and health, and the presidency of the department of physics for opening the hall, and naming it as a loyalty to Dr. Akram and said it was only a small task compared to the services and efforts that he had made in the field of science and education at our university.
Later, the Head of the Physics Department, Dr. Hawbash Hamadamin Karim, read the Biography of the late Dr. Akram Hashim Taha, and he pointed out that Dr. Akram had offered the scientific promotion for a promotion, but his age did not allow him to complete it, so he asked the University Councils to give him the title of honorary Professor.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Akram Hashim Taha was born in 1960 in Kirkuk. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Kirkuk. In 1982, he obtained a bachelor's degree in physics from Salahaddin University, College of Science. In 1992, he obtained a master's degree in solid state physics from Yarmouk University in Jordan. In 2013, he got his PHD in Materials Physics from Baghdad University, College of Science, Department of Physics. He died of cancer on June 26, 2022 in Kirkuk.