A workshop titled "Application of Physics in Daily Life" was conducted by the Physics Department of the Faculty of Science and Health at Koya University in the seminar hall of the Scientific and Health Research Center.

The Koya University Department of Physics launched scientific and health studies on February 27–28, 2023, in the presence of Asst. Prof. Dr. Taha Jalal, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Health, and a sizable number of faculty teachers.

There were two panels at the workshop where researchers attempted to demonstrate various physics-related applications in their field of study.

1st panel:

The paper "Nanotechnology and its applications in nowadays life" was presented by researcher Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Faiq Mohammed, who went into great depth about how nanotechnology is used in physics and how it affects people's daily lives.

The Hidden hazards of radiation in microwave cooking was a paper given by researcher Dr. Hawbash Hamdamin Kareem, Head of the Physics Department, in which he addressed the negative effects of radiation, particularly in microwave heating equipment.

The paper "A primary guide about solar panel design and installation" by researcher Asst. Lecturer Shalaw Zrar Siddiq described the design and installation of solar panels.

Dr. Hawbash Hamdamin Kareem, the department's head, stated during the workshop that "the department's objective is to give more attention to the applications of physics in daily life."

2nd panel:

The article "Light microscope magnification, resolution and detection limit" by researcher Dr. Khalid Namiq Siddiq covered the strengths and weaknesses of the light microscope.

The topic of solar panels was highlighted as researcher Asst. Prof. Dr. Halsho Dilshad Omar presented his study on "Flexible Solar Panel."

Medical physics was discussed in the paper "Medical physics in our life," which was presented by researcher Asst. Lecturer Darya Rasul Ahmed.

Participants and researchers engaged in questions and discussions at the close of each panel.

At the end of the workshop, certificates of contribution were awarded to the researchers.





بەشی فیزیای زانکۆی کۆیە وۆرکشۆپێکی بەڕێوەبرد

بەشی فیزیای زانکۆی کۆیە وۆرکشۆپێکی بەڕێوەبرد

بەشی فیزیای زانکۆی کۆیە وۆرکشۆپێکی بەڕێوەبرد

بەشی فیزیای زانکۆی کۆیە وۆرکشۆپێکی بەڕێوەبرد

بەشی فیزیای زانکۆی کۆیە وۆرکشۆپێکی بەڕێوەبرد

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بەشی فیزیای زانکۆی کۆیە وۆرکشۆپێکی بەڕێوەبرد