In a formal event, Koya University announced its five-year strategic plan.
On September 10, 2023, in the presence of the Koya University President, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq, the Advisor and Representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Dr. Amanj Abdullah Saeed, members of the Koya University Council, administrative, Political party members, and social figures from Koya, as well as foreign ambassadors and consuls in South Kurdistan, in a formal event, Koya University's strategic plan was released.
The national anthem "Ay Raqeeb" and a standing ovation to honor the spirits of the Kurdish martyrs launched the ceremony.
The second section was devoted to the address of Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq, President of Koya University. In his speech, Dr. Mohammed discussed the procedures for planning and writing Koya University's strategic plan as well as the goals behind its development.
As is obvious, the university as an important academic and scientific center is always expected to play a significant role in the development of society in the fields of education, scientific research, innovation, technological advancement, and economic development in any society, in light of the characteristics of the university's geographical location and the financial and political situation in the country,”
Koya University President Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq claimed in his speech.
He Also, stated that
I am confident that our university's faculty, staff, and students are prepared to actively participate in the implementation of this plan through our university work program. We also consider coordination with local and international NGOs to be essential to the implementation of this plan, so we know that our community has been waiting for its development.”
Dr. Amanj Abdullah Saeed, an advisor of the minister of higher education and scientific research of the Kurdistan Regional Government who attended the ceremony as a representative of the minister, addressed a speech during another part of the ceremony.
The following session featured the display of a short documentary detailing the phases and procedures involved in developing Koya University's strategic plan, which was produced by the Media Directorate of Koya University.
The Koya University Presidency then expressed its gratitude to the High Committee for the Strategic Plan's Drafting, the Committee on the Main Pillars, and the Committee for the Strategic Plan's Translation and Linguistic Review.
The Koya University strategic plan was handed over to attendees in three versions of a package written in Kurdish, Arabic, and English at the conclusion of the ceremony.