An instructor from Koya University took part at the Third International Conference on Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching Methods, which took place at Al-Iraqiya University in Baghdad.

The Federal Republic of Iraq's capital city of Baghdad hosted the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature, and Teaching Methods on March 6 and 7, 2024, at Al-Iraqiya University. A paper from Asst. Prof. Dr. Elham Majid Qadir, an instructor in the English Language department at Koya University's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, was presented at this international conference.

The purpose of this international conference was to give researchers working in the domains of linguistics, literature, and English teaching techniques a chance to share their knowledge and expertise.

According to Asst. Prof. Dr. Elham Majid, lecturer at the Department of English language in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the important role that advertising plays in influencing society as well as business. Academic, educational, cultural, and commercial institutions play crucial roles in how women are portrayed in society today and in the future. Unfortunately, many advertising companies around the world now promote the abuse and commercialization of women.

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Koya University

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