On 22-23 May. 2016, at the Hall of the Koya University Presidency, the First International Conference on Haji Qadri Koyi was convened. In the conference, 27 research papers about Haji Qadiri Koyi and his poetry and work were presented. 

The aim of the conference 

Not only was Haji Qadri Koyi a great poet, but he was also one of the last great classics of Kurdish literature who was able to depict the changes that occurred in Kurdistan in the 19th century especially in relation to the abolition of the system of monarchy and the emergence of national awareness. Through his poetry and position, Haji Qadir has been able to play a key role in the establishment and development of national awareness especially at the level of the elite. 

Highlighting this position of Haji Qadri Koyi and carrying out a scientific analysis of his experience and his role in the development of the Kurdish poetry and the Kurdish individual and in promoting national identity, is a scientific and urgent obligation for a better understanding of his role and making use of his experience for a careful analysis of our current situation. 

With this view in mind, Koya University feels a strong sense of responsibility to organize this scientific conference in order to bring a large number of academics together to exchange views about Haji Qadri Koyi being a prominent symbol of the Kurdish culture. 

The first day of the conference 

The conference started on 22 may, 2016 at 9 a.m. It was attended by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and a large number of guests from outside and inside koya. At the beginning of the conference Dr. Wali Mahmud Hamad, the President of Koya University welcomed the attendees on behalf of Koya University Presidency and the High Committee of the Conference. Later he presented a summary of Haji Qadiri Koyi's life stating, "In writing his poetry, Haji Qadri Koyi has broken the old traditions and has used a new language and style far from imitation." In his speech, the President of Koya University also referred to the role of Haji Qadir and the contents of some of his poems. Meanwhile, the Departments of History and Kurdish Language suggested that Koya University should confirm Haji Qadir's date of birth for the next year. 

In another part of the opening ceremony of the conference, Dr. Yousif Goran, the Minister of Higher education and Scientific Research delivered a speech in which he thanked Koya University and the conference organizers. He also expressed his happiness about holding this conference to honour the 200th anniversary of Haji Qadri Koyi's birth, the great poet of our Kurdish nation. He said that the conference would deal with different aspects and dimensions of this prominent figure, and he further added that holding such national and multi-dimensional conferences is a responsibility which must be undertaken by the universities and intellectual centres. 

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research also stated that although the topics discussed at the conference were historical they were very critical and very much related to our current situation since they dealt with the issue of nationalism in the point of view of a well known figure of our nation. He further added that the important point lied in the fact that after 200 years, we find that the same old issue has remained unresolved and it still remains the aim of our nation. He also stated that the life and work of Haji Qadir is so wide that they need to be dealt with in different dimensions and angles and need a lot of exchange of views and opinions. 

After that the conference programme started and at the beginning Dr. Qadri Yeldrim, the academic and writer from northern Kurdistan presented a topic entitled (Haji Qadri Koyi: A second Khani). 

Later the first panel of the conference entitled (Haji Qadri Koyi and the Kurdish Nationalism) started in which Dr. Michiel Leezenberg, University of Amsterdam, Holland; Dr. Marewan Wirya Qani, University of Amsterdam, Holland and Mr. Abdul-Khaliq Yaqubi, Ishik University, Erbil presented their papers. 

The second panel which focused on (The Identity and Enlightenment of Haji Qadri Koyi) included three research papers by Dr. Rebwar Sewaily from the Kurdish Academy, Dr. Haider Lashkry from Koya University and Dr. Mahabad Azad Mohemmad from Koya University

The last panel which was dedicated to (Historical Awareness and Haji Qadri Koyi) was held in the evening. In this session, Dr. Qadir Mohemmed Hassan from Salahddin University, Dr. saman Hussein Ahmed from the University of Raparin , Dr. Kamal Ghambar from the Kurdish academy presented their papers. 

At the end of the first day's conference, the participant researchers went on a tour inside Koya during which they visited a number of historical and archaeological sites. 

The second day of the conference 

The second day of the conference started at 9 o'lock a.m. on 23 May 2016. In the first panel which was entitled (Northern academics and Haji-Qadri Koyi), Dr. Yashar Abdusalam Eughlou from Sophia University, Mr. Sadat Ologana Paris/ France, Mr. Masud Arsalan, Mardin Artuklu University, Mr Amed Kirkan, Diyarbakir Dicle University presented their papers. 

In the second panel of the conference entitled (The Life of Haji Qadri Koyi and the Characteristics of his Literature), Dr. Pakhshan Sabir and Ms. Kurdistan Abdulwahid from Soran University, Dr. Khalid Ismail Mustafa from Koya University and Mr. idris Abdulla Omergumbati, writer and researcher from Ttaqtaq township presented their papers. 

The final session of the conference entitled (Literary Criticism) was held in the evening of the same day. In this session, Dr. Darya Jamal Hawezi from koya University, Mr. Fadhil Shawro, writer and researcher from Koya an Mr kawa Ismail Abdulla from Garmian university presented their papers. 

Haji Qadri Koyi 

Haji Qadir was the son of Mulla Ahmed who was the son of Mulla Salih, son of the Great Mulla Ahmed. His mother's name was (Fatima). He was born in Gor Qaraj Village in 1816. This village is located south west of Koya. He died in Istanbul in 1897and has been buried there. The Journal of "Kurdistan" which used to be issued in Cairo, had published the news of Haji Qadir's death one year after his death in its third issue. 

News Date
First Int. Conference on Haji Qadri Koyi Convened