The Koya University was established in 2003 and has developed noticeably. In 2010, Koya University was restructured from colleges to faculty systems to enhance the interactions between similar academic fields. Today the University has 4 faculties (see links below) and 25 departments in different fields, as listed in the links below.
The educational programs include both bachelor's and master's degree and doctoral programs and give the graduates a wide range of knowledge and skills that can lead to many careers, such as design, Engineering, consulting, sales management at various levels, teaching, and research.
Faculty of Engineering (FENG)
The faculty of Engineering (FENG) at Koya University is an excellent place to acquire education. It is the center of excellence for advanced education and research in different fields of engineering. It comprised of seven departments: Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Architectural Engineering; Department of Petroleum Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Manufacturing and Industerial Engineering, and Department of Software Engineering.
The faculty of Science and Health (FSCH) at Koya University is a center of excellence for advanced education and research in the fields of health and the basic or applied sciences such as BiologyChemistryMathematics, and Physics. It is comprised of three schools: the school of medicine, the school of science which includes five scientific departments, and the school of health including the departments of Clinical Psychology, and Medical Microbiology.

Faculty of Humanity and Social Science (FHSS)
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) we are committed to exploring and researching the key contemporary social and political issues of our day. Their focus on excellence in teaching, learning, and research produces graduates with the skills and knowledge to make a difference in society.

Faculty of Education (FEDU)
The Faculty of Education is engaged and dynamic in advancing education as a professional practice and in the field of scholarly inquiry through excellence in teaching, research, and community service that promotes  freedom, democracy, equality, and human dignity. The Faculty of Education is committed to improving the quality and understanding of education and social services provision internationally through high-quality teaching, research, and professional development.

Faculty of Medicine (FMED)
The School of Medicine at Koya University trains tomorrow’s doctors on a vibrant undergraduate medical course with a unique intercalated BMedSci, alongside running a specialized graduate-entry program built around clinical problem-solving. SMED will have full access to Koya University Hospital with a futuristic approach to the doctor-patient relationship. 

Faculty of Physical Education (FPHE)
The School of Physical Education was established in recognition of the importance of sports in modern society. Its underlying aim is to raise the status and quality of physical education and educators in the interest of enhancing the quality of life for the whole community. It offers a scientifically-based program that has a notable record of improving athletic achievement in the Kurdistan region and Iraq. The Department is committed to the improvement of physical performance and disease prevention through offering programs based on internationally recognized research that has practical implications in the field of health and sports.