Registration for the Placement Test is open at Behar English Language Center at Koya University.
We would like to inform all applicants of English language courses that registration for the Placement Test will start today, Thursday 20/10/2022, which will be taken on Saturday 5/11/2022, by taking the following notes:
1. Registration will be done online via the link below:
The following link is the tutorial video on how to create an account:
2. You must register only once with a valid email address, otherwise you will not be eligible to participate in the exam.
3. The number of seats is limited according to the capacity of each language center and no more than the determined number will be accepted. Therefore, Behar English Language Center/Koya University accepts only (100) applicants.
4. Those participants who took the Placement Test on February 2, 2022 are not eligible to participate in this one (only those participants who are currently at the beginner level and have not participated in the English language course will be eligible to participate).
5. Applicants must fill in all the data correctly and have the data approved by the Language Center, print the approved form email and then you can pay for the receipt.
6. After having the receipt, attach a copy of it to the application section of your account. After verification and approval, the applicant can participate in the Placement Test.
7. You do not have to visit Behar English Language Center until after creating your account and attaching your receipt.
* More details on the time and place of the Placement Test will be announced before the exam.