News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

23 March, 2022

FENG at KOU Organizes the 1st National Symposium in Engineering Researches

The Faculty of Engineering (FENG) at Koya University is orgnizing the 1st National Symposium in Engineering Research. This national symposium will be beld at the building of the Faculty of Engineering, where the opening ceremony will be at 10:00 AM on 28th March 2022. Nine researchers from the Faculty of Engineering will present their latest published papers that have the top WoS-IF among the FENG academic staffs' publications in the year 2021. The symposium will be in two presentation sessions with a coffee-break inbetween.

19 March, 2022

Call for Papers: EAHN Thematic International Conference Koya 2023

The European Architectural History Network (EAHN), the Heritage Conservation Research Program (HCRP) and Research Center of the Faculty of Engineering at Koya University inviting all academics and researchers to submit their original papers and participate in the International EAHN Thematic Conference ‘Heritage in Danger’ While the world mourned the destruction of the widely known Iraqi archaeological and heritage sites of Nimrud, Hatra, Sinjar and the old town of Mosul caused by the ISIS invasion in 2014-2017, other Iraqi archaeological and heritage sites in much safer zones were and still are underestimated and exposed to silent death via ongoing neglect and unchecked deterioration with a very limited capacity to safeguard them like in the case of Koya’s old town which reached its zenith during the Ottoman reign.

17 March, 2022

FSCH at KOU in Collaboration with Ashty Health Organization Held a National Workshop on “The Main Risk Factors of Cancer with the Most Recent Statistics"

In today’s world, cancer has a major impact on so many people and families around us which made it almost impossible to find someone who hasn’t had any contact with someone else that was affected by cancer. So, whether we witness the fight of our loved ones directly or we see the worry of their family and friends. Therefore, it’s never too late to educate ourselves by acknowledging the causing factors that could be avoided. For that to be fulfilled, both Biology and Medical Microbiology departments at the Faculty of Science and Health, in collaboration with Ashty health organization held a workshop entitled “The main risk factors of cancer with the most recent statistics.”

03 March, 2022

The Faculty of Science and Health at KOU Held a Training Course on “Laboratory techniques for Scientific Research”

The Departments of Medical Microbiology and Biology in collaboration with the Science and Health Research Center at Koya University held a training course entitled “Laboratory techniques for Scientific Research”. This training course shed the light on the existed useful devices and instruments in the center and their way of operation. So that the academic staff can get benefit from these instruments for their research. To achieve this, the tests were done in the center on a lab animal (Rat) from general anesthesia to cesarean section to start the rest of the tests.

16 February, 2022

A Team from Columbia University Gave on-site 3 days Lectures to DARE-KOU Students and HCRP Team

On-Site Lectures for three days were presented in Nov. 3-5. 2021 by the Columbia University international team of the “Amedi Bahdinan Gate, Parthian Reliefs and the Ancient Staircase Restoration Project” directed by Prof. Zainab Bahrani for three of the Heritage Conservation Research Program (HCRP) team and the senior students of the Department of architectural Engineering  (DARE) on Restoration and Stone Cleaning in Amedi.

15 February, 2022

KOU Participated in the International Training Course that Organized by NHI, GEMA and IICAH

Dr. Sahar Basil Mahmood the Director of the Heritage Conservation Research Program (HCRP) and Dr. Manar Nazar Ahmed the member of the HCRP, both are from the Department of Architectural Engineering (DARE) were participated in a 4-week International Advanced Training Course as part of the Aid for Mosul program entitled “Causes of Decay and Preservation of Building Architectural Heritage II” which was held on 5-30 Sept. 2021. The training course was sponsored by the Czech Republic and organized by the National Heritage Institute of the Czech Republic (NHI), GEMAART (GEMA), and the Iraqi Institute for the Conservation of Antiquities and Heritage (IICAH).

07 February, 2022

The Higher Committee of Bologna Process at KOU Held its First Meeting

According to the regulation that issued recently by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Universities in the region are going to implement the Bologna Process in their study programs starting from the academic year 2022-2023, where some universities already started Bologna Process for some departments, few years ago. Accordingly, KOU established a higher committee of the Bologna Process (HCBP) that start its first meeting today, 7th Feb. 2022.

06 February, 2022

The Faculty of Engineering at KOU Held a Training Course on Research and Publications

For six days, twelve sessions and more than 24 hrs, the Department of Software Eningeering in collaboration with the Research Center at the Faculty of Engineering, Koya University held a training course entitled “Research Process from A to Z.” The training course that targeted academic staff at Koya University tackled the main topics regarding; research structure and types, how to write a research paper, how to write a research proposal, indexing bodies and LaTex.

02 February, 2022

Selected Extended Papers of the 6th ICASEE Conference will be Published in ARO Journal

Tishk International University (TIU) organizes the international conference on “Applied Sciences, Energy and Environment”, ICASEE at the Faculty of Education. The 6th ICASEE conference will be held on 25-26 March 2022 on-campus at TIU. The ICASEE 2022 is dedicated to offering a unique opportunity for researchers in Iraq, Kurdistan and all over the world to gather, discuss and collaborate within themselves and with international participants. The main theme of the conference is to embrace scientific research and to value the life of our people.

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