News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

05 August, 2021

Twenty Female Trainees at KOU have been Graduated in the Context of Qudra 2 Program

As a joint project, on August 04th 2021, 20 female trainees who successfully participated in 20 days of the Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) and detergent-making trainings at Koya University have to show up to receive their certificates of accomplishments. In an environment of positive reflections, the trainees awarded their certificates. for more details, click here

17 July, 2021

Departments of Clinical Psychology Held a Workshop on "Children with Special Needs: Categories and Causes"

The Department of Clinical Psychology at Koya University was pleased to offer an enriched and flexible learning experience through an online workshop which contributed to an integration as a part of Continuous Improvement Programme which was commenced from the 17th of July 2021 for 3 days consecutively. In this workshop, Prof. Dr. Jabar Ahmed Abdul-Rahman threw light upon ‘Children with special needs: (categories and causes)’. ‘Special needs’ is a used term for a wide range of diagnoses, from those that resolve swiftly to those with sever condition which can be a challenge for life. Those children may have medical conditions, developmental delays, psychiatric conditions, and/or congenital conditions. These special needs require accommodations so children can reach their potential. 

26 July, 2021

Koya University Ranked 6778 among 31000 Worldwide Universities and Shifted Forward 2000 positions

On July 26, 2021, the Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics) has announced its July Edition of the year 2021. More than 31,000 worldwide universities were ranked, where 30 universities from the Kurdistan Region-Iraq were listed in the ranking. Koya University ranked 6778 amon 31,000 worldwide universities and ranked 7 among the Public Universities in Kurdistan region. It is worthy to mention that Koya Universty was ranked 8711 in the Jan.-2021 Edition.

06 July, 2021

Departments of Medical Microbiology and Biology Held a Workshop on "DNA Sequencing"

Both the department of Medical Microbiology and the department Biology at Koya University held a workshop on the "DNA Sequencing". In this workshop, the participants were oriented on the usage of BioEdit software and three other useful online programs (NCBI, DDBJ, and EMBL) which can be used to organize nucleotides, perhaps finding a new strain of microorganisms, if there is a proper gap after the fitting. The utilization of these programs have been organised by Mr Mohammed Isam Jameel from Medical Microbiology department in two days (6 hours) which was commenced from the 29th of June 2021.About the workshop: The Instructors: Mr. Mohammed Isam Jameel Faculty: Science and Health Departments:  Medical Microbiology and Biology Number of participants: 28 Academic staff Number of days: 2 days.

02 July, 2021

A KOU National Workshop Announced and Published by RaAM

The Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM), a Uk-based academic association, in their biannual newsletter publishes a piece of news about a workshop held on 22nd April, 2021 by The English Department, Faculty of Education. RaAM is an international association, each two years they arrange a conference in a different country which hosts prominent figures in the fields of stylistics, discourse analysis and metaphor studies.

02 July, 2021

jindex Updated its Database with July-2021 Edition of WoS Impact Factors

jindex, the unique search engine application for the indexed journal that launced by Koya University updated its databse. The new update includes the new Edition of WoS- Journal Citation Report (JCR) with new Impact Factors for July-2021 Edition. The deirectorate of Quality Assurance at Koya University launched designed and programmed the jindex application, a smart search engine web-application.

26 June, 2021

Incite - WoS Reports shows 77% of Indexed Published Documents are in Engineering and Physics and 0.0% in Arts and Humanities

The latest report of InCites  citation-based research analytics tool of Web of Science (WoS) - Clarivate Anaytics shows that Koya University could collect 362 published documents in journals indexed by WoS and 1266 cittaions from indexed resources. The report shows 40% of the published researches are in Engineering and Technology, 37% in Physics Sciences, 16% in Life Science, 4% in Clinical Science and 4% in Social Science. The report shows 0.0% documents have been published in Art and Humanities. Also, the report shows that the highest number of the WoS scientific documents were published in 2020.  

26 June, 2021

KOU Among Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar Profiles

Webometrics announced the Twelfth Edition (July 2021 version 12.0.0 beta) of Google Scholar Citation Profile. Thirty Two Iraqi universities are listed and Twleve Universities are from Kurdistan Region. Koya University collected 3281 citations. The number of Google Scholar Citations are calulated as: Number of citations from Top 210 authors (excl. top 20 outliers). For more information about KOU Google Scholar Citation, click here.

21 June, 2021

IOM’s Social Inclusion Training Project at Koya University

In cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Directorate of Career Services at Koya University conducted a 5-day training project (13-17 June 2021) on social and disability inclusion for 15 Syrian Refugees and unemployed graduates in Koya District. The programme is funded by Australian Aid Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and implemented by IOM. On 17th June, Asst. Prof. Dr. Haidar Lashkry distributed the certificates of attendance on the participants and thanked the IOM team for their great engagement towards helping disadvantaged youth.

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