Postgraduate study can be the foundation to a great career, it can turn an existing career into something brilliant, help you change/develop careers or aid in pursuing your passion. Many students want to continue studying after their bachelors degree and the Koya University offers postgraduate in most subjects. 
Please contact the Faculty (FENG, FSCH, FHSS, FEDU, SMED) with which you wish to undertake your postgraduate study if you have any questions or want advice.
Postgraduate options
There are two ways to study for a postgraduate degree by pure research in PhD level. Please visit dedicated website for  PhD Studies at Koya University.
We value our research students for their contribution to world-class research at Koya University. The University offers a large range of higher research degrees. Research degrees are focused on independent study. Unlike taught students, you'll work with your supervisor to identify your study needs. Some research degrees include taught elements that focus on research conduct or in depth knowledge required for your project. Please respective faculty websites at (FENGFSCHFHSSFEDU).
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