Zhakaw Hussein Ibrahim and Sahand Bashdar Mama, two students, went to China to take an academic summer course.
Two Koya University students took part in an academic summer course in China this year as part of cooperation between Koya University and China and to benefit Koya University students from trips and training sessions held in the People's Republic of China.
Shanghai University is the organization sponsoring the programme. Along with students from a number of other universities in Kurdistan, Koya University students took part in the course.
Koya University is being represented in the course this year by Sahand Bashdar Mama from the English Department of the Faculty of Education and Zhakaw Hussein Ibrahim from the English Department of the Faculty of Humanities.
The students will visit a variety of Chinese ancient, historical, and cultural sites as well as take part in a number of seminars and educational activities throughout the course.
It is important to note that Koya University, in conjunction with the appropriate parties, coordinates our students' participation in these courses. This has been performed through the Directorate of Communications.