8th September, 2015 was not an ordinary day. On this day, Koya University reaped the rewards of two years work and preparation to establish close relations and a shared vision with Isfahan University of Technology, one of the most well-known Iranian universities. On that day, a senior delegation from the above-mentioned university visited Koya University. The delegation consisted of the President of the University accompanied by ten members of the management board of the University. They were received by the President of Koya University and the Koya University Council.
Koya and Iran relations have long history
In a speech in the Seminar Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, while receiving the guests, Assistant prof. Dr. Weli Mehmud, stated, “This visit is the outcome of close relations with Isfahan University, dating back to 2013; however, the relations between Koya and Iran have long history. At present, while this delegation is visiting our university, Kurdistan Region universities and the government are facing financial crises; however, with our determination and enthusiasm for knowledge we are hopeful that we will achieve success.”
Stressing the role and importance of Koya city, the President of the University stated, “It is true that Koya city is small in terms of area and population, but it enjoys having a strong scientific, cultural and political history in the region. Many religious figures, knowledge-seekers, politicians, men of letters and poets are born in this city or have grown up here. Therefore, Koya University and its management team are indebted to this glorious history.”
The President also referred to the structure of the University saying, "Koya University consists of four faculties and a medical school, along with 450 teachers and more than 650 employees comprising the academic and administrative staff of the University. It has 4900 students, in addition to MA and PhD students in some of the faculties.”
“With regard to our relations, we have close relations with universities inside and outside the region; but our relation with the Iranian universities is not at the level required by us. Therefore, we are doing our best to strengthen our relations with the Iranian universities. We are also trying hard to develop our relations with the external and the world universities in the field of higher education. This meeting of today is one of such efforts, which we hope to be an auspicious and successful beginning,” the President further said.
Assistant Professor. Dr. Wali Mehmud Hamad is the President of Koya University. He is specialized in Chemistry and has three printed books; one of them is entitled (Statistical Thermodynamics). Click here for more information.
President of Isfahan University: We hope to improve our relations with Koya University
In a speech, Dr. Mehmud Mudaris Hashimi, President of Isfahan University of Technology expressed his happiness for the warm welcome they received and for establishing such a relation. He also hoped that they would further develop their relations with Koya University. In a speech in front of the attendees, Dr. Hashimi said “Despite its young age, Koya University has witnessed remarkable success and development. Isfahan University will be pleased to improve and develop relations with Koya University." "Seeing Koya University and its academic staff along with its state-of-art laboratories, we realized that a bright future is awaiting the University," Dr. Hashimi added.
Later, Dr. Nasrulla Mahbubi Sufyani and Dr. Farsheed noorbakhish gave a presentation about the academic status of Isfahan University Technological Programs and its departments.
After that, an academic discussion was held between the attendees and the visiting delegation, which covered many important scientific aspects.
Dr. Muhammad Hesib Zengene, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering said, “This visit by Isfahan University has its own significance in terms of being a neighboring university and its level of advancement, especially in the field of higher education. Based on this, and to further strengthen relations, a Memorandum of Understanding is to be signed by both sides. The Memorandum will cover some fields, including scientific and engineering fields in which Koya University has many good departments. Therefore; it is a good idea that Koya University establishes strong relations with those universities which have high world rankings like Isfahan University of Technology, for example.”
Dr. Muhammad Hasib Zengene is the Dean of Engineering Faculty and head of Chemical Engineering department. His academic title is instructor. He has one joint research and 12 individual researches. Click here for more information.
Assistant Professor. Dr. Shwan Kemal Rasheed, is the Dean of faculty of Science and Health. His academic title is Assistant Professor. He is specialized in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Click here for more information.
Signing a Memorandom of Understanding (MoU)
The final item of the agenda of the visit was signing a Memorandum of Understanding by Assistant Professor, Dr. Weli Mehmud President of Koya University, and Dr. Mumemmad Mudaris Hashimi, President of Isfahan University of Technology. The MoU includes many scientific aspects and issues related to academic relations and cooperation between both sides, while stressing the need to improve the academic relations between Koya University and Isfahan University of Technology.