Koya University is in Erasmus+ partnership with the University of Almeria in Spain, and for this academic year 2018-2019 KOU have sent one student Mr Ibrahim Boskeni from Department of English. Mr Boskeni is spending his 4th year at UAL and he reports regularly about his experience and progress. 

He mentions that being Erasmus is that opportunity should every students try in their studying period to be thoroughly knowledgeable about life, education and culture. In a true manner; the beginning process of being Erasmus was terribly exhausting for me, no sooner the greatest moments were released by interrelation with new various traditions, people from different parts of the world, new lifestyle. Acting like one family with other international students is one of fabulous gifts from Erasmus program to live through my experimental life greatly. Additionally, I could develop my skills in education and language as philology student through collage lectures, beside, communication with European and non-European people and learn the authentic meaning of working hard with a group or individually. Finally, I am always thankful to Almeria and its university that embraced me as Erasmus student to see the world widely.

There are many reasons to choose the UAL, and yours is surely one of them. The UAL´s facilities and equipment are, without doubt, among the most modern in Europe. Highly-skilled teaching staff enjoys cutting-edge technology to teach subjects. Language courses are offered to make our students’ full integration easier. Moreover, life on Campus is as enjoyable as Almeria’s typical nature and weather. But what makes a stay really successful is the Andalusian character and lifestyle: friendly, cheerful, enterprising and proud of their homeland and customs. Further information

If you are interest in the program please apply for this year selection at : http://erasmus.koyauniversity.org/announces/ual-erasmus-2019

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Koya University