News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

13 February, 2021

Koya University is Starting a New Round of Pedagogy

On Thursday, the 11th of February 2021, the pedagogy and academic development center (PADC) at Koya University started its second round of pedagogical training course. The PADC welcomed a diverse range of interested participants to be the beneficiaries of the pedagogical training course that is running on a national framework and approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The program orientation took place online with the presence of Koya University president, Dr. Wali Hamad, and the vice president for the scientific affairs, Dr. Haidar Lashkary.

09 February, 2021

A KOU Senior Lecturer Published Five Indexed Research Articles

Dr. Fahmi F. Mohammadsharif at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Health, Koya University, Published five new resaerch articles idexed by WoS (Clarivate Analytics) and SCOPUS, namely; International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Applied Sciences, Materials Today: Proceedings, Physica B-Condensed Matter and Plos One. Dr. Fahmi received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from the University of Sulaimani and University of Mosul in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He completed his PhD at the Department of Physics, University of Malaya in 2012. He was the Gold Medal winner during his PhD study. He held the position of head of the Department of Physics from 2013-2016. His current research interests include fabrication of organic electronic devices and investigating their materials properties. (see TAP)

05 February, 2021

Module Management System of KOU is Available on the Android OS

The Directorate of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development at Koya University has completed the Module Management System platform and now it is available as Google play application. the MMS application can be dowlnoaded as an Android-based OS application. We urge all the academic staff and students at koya University to access the from theor Android mobile phones or tablets and download the application by clcik on Google Play icon.

25 September, 2021

WoS launches the Arabic Citation Index (ARCI)

The Arabic Citation Index (ARCI) is now available on the new Web of Science. Funded by the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, the Arabic Citation Index provides access to bibliographic information and citations to scholarly articles from expertly curated Arabic journals. Content may be searched in both Arabic and English. The accompanying Arabic interface for Arabic Citation Index and Web of Science will be available later this year. Read the full January release notes to learn more about these new features.

28 January, 2020

KOU Shows a Progress in the Jan. Edition-2021 of Webometrics

On Jan.28, 2021, the Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics) has announced it January Edition of the year 2021. More than 31,000 worldwide universities were ranked, weher 30 universities from the Kurdistan Region-Iraq were listed in the ranking. Koya University ranked 8711 amon 31,153 worldwide universities and ranked 6 among the Universities in Kurdistan region.

15 January, 2020

A KOU Senior Lecturer Published Two Research Articles with Springer

Assistant Professor Taghreed Khaleefa Mohammed Ali at the Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Koya University published two research articles with Springer publisher. The first research article entitled “Shear strength of a reinforced concrete beam by PET fiber” is published in the journal of Environment, Development, and Sustainability. The second research articls entitled "Properties of eco-friendly pervious concrete containing polystyrene aggregates reinforced with waste PET fibers" is published in the the journal of Innovative Infrastructure Solutions.

29 October, 2020

A KOU Professor Published a Research Article with Springer

Professor Salah I. Yahya from the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Koya University with a research group from Iran and Vietnam published a research article entitled “The use of artificial neural network to design and fabricate one of the most compact microstrip diplexers for broadband L-band and S-band wireless applications” in the Wireless Networs.  Wireless Networks journal is indexed by Clarivate Analytics with IF =2.659 and by SCOPUS with quartile Q2.

20 October, 2020

A KOU Academic Explains the Recent Events in the Region

The Middle Eastern region has been ravaged in recent years by facts and events that place their countries in the context of fundamental and historical transformations. Koya University academics could not stand neutral without contributing to the understanding and interpretation of these events and their change, whether by presenting reference papers at international conferences and institutions or through media activity by presenting political analysis and vision on the platforms of most important Arab satellite channels. 

08 October, 2020

KOU Announced the Student Names of the Post Graduate Studies for the Academic Year 2019-2020

After the Ministry of Higher Education approval on the preliminary results of the oral higher education exams, Koya University (KOU) announed the student names list of the higher education studies for the academic year 2019-2020. Visit the following page to see the list of M.Sc. student names at KOU: Visit the following page to see the list of Ph.D. student names at KOU:

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