News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

20 February, 2019

A KOU lecturer publishing two new Papers

Dr Halgurd S. Maghdid a member of academic staff in the department of software engineering/faculty of Engineering has published two research papers in a high ranked impact factor journal. The title of the first one is” Indoor human tracking mechanism using an integrated onboard smartphones Wi-Fi device and inertial sensors”. 

08 February, 2019

Sports is a healthy lifestyle

On 3-4 February 2019, an international workshop entitled “Sports is a healthy lifestyle” ran in the school of Physical Education. The workshop was a joint one with the Research and Training Academia in Britain and Perugia University in Italy. It lasted for (2) days. The first day went in the presidency hall, while the second day in the physical education school. The University president, the teaching staff, students, and a number of local and international guests attended it,  including international experts from Italy and Britain Universities.

01 February, 2019

KOU Opens the Liquid Soap Educational Unit

Faculty of Engineering in Koya University has opened a unit for liquid soap production, which covers the University requirement in that aspect. In Koya University /Faculty of Engineering, a liquid soap production unit was opened by the University president prof D. Wali M. Hamad, his assistants, the Dean of Engineering Faculty, the head of Engineering Departments, the teaching staff, the students and the invited guests from outside the University for opening this educational unit for liquid soap production. 

24 January, 2019

KOU Researcher publishes in the UK Nature RJ in Scientific Reports

Dr Mohammad Ghaffar Faraj the instructor in Physics Department in Faculty of Science and Health in our university has published a paper entitled “Impedance Spectroscopy as a Novel Approach to Probe the Phase Transition and Microstructures Existing in CS:PEO Based Blend Electrolytes”  The most outcomes of the research were (The objective of this work is to show how the change of phase transition can be studied from the pattern of DC conductivity versus 1000/T. Furthermore, an obvious increase of crystalline phase as a consequence of an increase of various amounts of PEO to CS-based electrolyte has also predicted from the impedance plots) 

27 November, 2018

On the Road to Become an Entrepreneurial University

In Kurdistan Region the pressure on higher educational institutions to change is increasing. Mostly in the direction of filling the gap between academia and industry. Hence supplying the market with the skills needed and alleviate the unemployment problem are of substantial significance.

18 November, 2018

KOU's meeting with The University of Pisa

A delegation from Koya University, to set an academic relation, visited The University of Pisa in Italy. On Thursday, October 23rd at 9:30 a.m. a delegation from Koya University consisted of Prof. Dr Wali Mahmod, the President of the university and D. Hawker Bapir, Public Relations Officer, visited the Iraqi Embassy in the Italian Capital City Rome. They welcomed by D. Ahmed Bamarny, the Iraqi ambassador.

15 November, 2018

Study Skills Module (SSM) Training Course

Koya University is the first among Kurdistan Universities and Iraqi Universities to implement a training course of SSM Training Course for 1 st year Students for the academic year 2018 -2019. This course is essential for first-year students who begin their academic study in order to develop their undergraduate skills and be prepared for the new academic life.

26 October, 2018

Honoring some of the active and retired teachers of KOU

Today, Koya Presidency is going through one of its brightest days. It will be a golden page of the University. As we all know, in this day, the 11th of October 2003 is the 15 anniversary of the establishment of Koya University, the University that fellow Mam Jalal, who was one of the greatest figures in Kurdistan, Koya, and the Middle East, put the foundation stone 15 years ago. The decision of establishing it became a reality after rumouring. After that day, the University Committee decided to make that day as a University Day according to the University Order letter No.: 07/02/1578 on 06/05/2015 in which it determined the day as the day of Koya University and the yearly alumni festivals will hold in it.

06 October, 2018

Bologna Process at KOU: Planning and Implementation

To ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications between Koya University and the worldwide Universities, specifically European Universities, the Directorate of the Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development at Koya University will hold a national Symposium under the title "Bologna Process at Koya University: Planning and Implementation". This symposium will discuss the action plan of implementing the Bologna Process at Koya University starting from the academic year 2018-2019. The Symposium will present the benefits behind the implementation of the Bologna Process, how to set the Study program and the mechanism of crediting and grading. Moreover, this symposium will explain the process of smooth shifting from the existing study program to Bologna system.

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