News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

04 March, 2020

Koya University Announces the Preliminary Results of the Postgraduate Candidates

Today, 4th of March 2020, Koya University announced the preliminary results of the postgraduate candidates. The postgraduate programs at Koya Universitiy insclude; M.Sc. program, Higher Diploma program, and Ph.D. Program. Koya University would like to congratulate all applicants who got accepted to pursuing their postgraduate studies at Koya University. 

03 March, 2020

A Senior Lecturer at KOU is selected to Chair a Thematic Session at The 4th edition of the International Symposium “New Metropolitan Perspectives”

Dr. Shaymaa Fadhel Jassim Alkubaissy, a teaching staff at the Department of Architectural Enginerring, Koya University, has been selected as a member of the international scientific board of The 4th edition of the International Symposium “New Metropolitan Perspectives.” The Symposium will take place in Reggio Calabria (Italy) from 26 to 28 May, 2020. As a member of the international scientific board, Dr. Shaymaa will chair the thematic session TS-26. Urban Resilience. The symposium is jointly promoted by the LaborEst and the CLUDsLab Laboratories of the PAU Department, Università Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in partnership with a qualified international network of academic institutions and scientific societies. 

01 March, 2020

A KOU Teaching Staff Chaired an M.Sc. Viva Voce Exam Session

Assistant Prof. Dr. Sarmad N. Mageed at the Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Health, Koya University (KOU) , Chaired a Committee of an M.Sc. Viva Voce Exam Session  in the field of Parasitology that was held at the College of Medicine, University of Sulaimani, on Thursday, February 27th, 2020. The M.Sc. thesis entitled "Comparison Study of Giardia lamblia detection in Sulaimani Province by using of Microscopic, Serologic and Molecular Methods." The MSc study involved applying of existent and new techniques for the detection of the prevalence of Giardia lamblia parasites among various categories of the community, particularly in the children level, for the sake of controlling the infection.

18 February, 2020

A Workshop on "Koya University in a Half Decade (2015-2020)"

On February 17th, 2020, Professor Salah I. Yahya managed a workshop entitled; Koya University in a Half Decade (2015-2020). Befor the workshop, Dr. Haidar Lashkry, the Vice-President for Scientific & Postgraduate affairs, had a presentation about the Quality Assurance and the post graduate studies at Koya Universitity. After that, Prof. Dr. Wali Hamad, the President of Koya University had a 30 min speech about the Koya University Scientific Achievement during the past 5 years.

01 February, 2020

KOU Participates in the EAHN Business Meeting in Italy

Dr Sahar Basil Mahmood Al-Qaisi from the Department of Architectural Engineering, and the director of the Heritage Conservation Research Program (HCRP) at the Research Center of the Faculty of Engineering at Koya University, has participated in the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) annual business meeting and the research poster session that took place in Aversa/Caserta (Naples) in Italy on January 24. 2020 as a councillor for the EAHN.

10 January, 2020

KOU in Group-B University Ranking, according to NUR 2019-Edition

On January 9th, 2020, The National University Ranking (NUR-MHE) announced its 2019-Edition for the University Ranking in Kurdistan Region. In 2019-Edition, none of the Universities were in group A. Koya University was ranked in Group-B, among the top Universities in Kurdistan Region. The Announcement ceremony was in Sheraton Erbil Hotel. The Ceremony of announcement was presented by H.E.The Minister of Minstery of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

30 December, 0219

A Research Group from KOU, KUT, SUTECH. and UTM published a Research Paper in the JMOe.

A Group of researchers from Koya University, Kermanshah University of Technology (KUT), Shiraz University of Technology (SUTECH) and the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) published a research paper entitled “Design and Fabrication of a Novel Compact Low-loss Microstrip Diplexer for WCDMA and WiMAX Applications” in the Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications (JMOe). The paper presents a novel design and fbrication of a  miniaturized microstrip diplexer using two bandpass filters (BPFs). Professor Salah I. Yahya is among the researchers, from the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Koya University. The reaserch article has been publish on December 2019. The Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications (JMOe) is indexed by SOPUS with Q3 level.

21 December, 2019

A Group from DSWE at KOU presented a paper in the ICFSP-2019

A work etitled "Gait-based Gender Classification Using Smartphone Accelerometer Sensor" from a group of Department of Software Engineering (DSWE) and Department of Mathematics staff has been presented at “2019 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP)” which has been sponsored by IEEE France Section. The location of the conference was Marseille, France.  Aras T Asaad has presented the work at the conference.

15 December, 2019

KOU Prof. Participate the APMC-2019 Conference in Singapore

Professor Salah I. Yahya from the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Koya University participated in the 2019 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) that held on 10-13 December 2019, in Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Level 4, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Prof. Yahya presented his paper entitled "A Novel Harmonic Attenuator Quad-Channel Microstrip Diplexer for Multi-Service Communication Systems."  The paper will be available soon in the Digital Library of IEEE Xplore that indexed by SCOPUS and Calrivate Analytics. The program of the APMC-2019 conference is available online (click here)

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