News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

08 June, 2019

Kurdish and Arab Dialogue.. «Soft power»

The initiative of the two universities of Baghdad and Koysenjaq for the Arab-Kurdish dialogue has received considerable attention, especially since it came almost a year and a half after the tense relations between Baghdad and Erbil following the Kurdish referendum (September 25, 2017), especially under the conjunctions and mines contained in the Constitution, including article 140 of the "Transitional Administrative Law", disputed areas, oil issues, the legal centre of Peshmerga, border outlets and others.

29 May, 2019

Academic forum on "Arab-Kurdish Dialogue”

The Commandments of the first academic forum on "Arab-Kurdish Dialogue” in Iraq Koya University/Kurdistan Region/Iraq from 28 to 30 April 2019. Under an open critical dialogue, the first academic forum held in Koya University on April under the title” The Intellectual and the coexistence Kurdish – Arabic Dialogue in Iraq” between Baghdad and Koya Universities.

29 May, 2019

Workshop on Earthquake Construction Engineering

On Wednesday 6 March 2019, the department of civil engineering in the Faculty of Engineering of our University held an international workshop sharing with the University of Lisbon of Portuguese and University of Azady Islamic of Iran. The president of Koya University Prof. Dr Wali M. Hamad delivered a speech on this occasion: In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful Good Morning. Welcome to Koya University. Today, I am glad that we all discuss issues in this workshop with the guests, friends, and teaching staff of our University.

14 May, 2019

The Iraqi Arabic - Kurdish Dialog at KOU

Koya University hosted a 3 days confernce on the Iraqi Arabic - Kurdish dialog 28-30 April 2019. Many important figures participated. The covrage of these days are linked below to youtube video casts.  Events of the first day 28th April 2019 9:30 – 10:00 am - Reception of the Guests  10:00 – 10:45 am - Opening Speech 

30 April, 2019

A Scientific Forum between KOU and UNB

For peaceful coexistence and Kurdish – Arabic dialogue, a scientific forum held between Koya University and The University of Baghdad in the presidency hall in Koya University (KOU) on 28-29 April 2019. In the presidency hall of KOU in the presence of the minister of higher education and scientific research and many guests the forum initiated.

21 April, 2019

Enhancing Youth Employability among Syrian Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Host Communities in the District of Koya

In Kurdistan Region the pressure on higher educational institutions to change is increasing. Mostly in the direction of filling the gap between academia and industry. Hence supplying the market with the skills needed and alleviate the unemployment problem are of substantial significance. Moreover, young people living in the areas beyond the governorate centers in Kurdistan Region-Iraq are more susceptible to unemployment and underemployment problems.

18 April, 2019

HWPL Peace Education for University Students

The Department of English in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) in cooperation with the international relations Directorate of the university and HWPL institution are running a program (Peace Education).

06 April, 2019

News from KOU Student in University of Almeria (UAL)

Koya University is in Erasmus+ partnership with the University of Almeria in Spain, and for this academic year 2018-2019 KOU have sent one student Mr Ibrahim Boskeni from Department of English. Mr Boskeni is spending his 4th year at UAL and he reports regularly about his experience and progress. 

20 February, 2019

Nanotechnology and Its Applications Workshop

The activity Committee of the Faculty of Science and Health (FSCH) is organizing a workshop on nanotechnology and its scientific applications. The workshop is scheduled for the 25- 26th of this month at the university Auditorium. It aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of carbon nanotubes and nanotechnology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of carbon nanotubes and nanotechnology. 

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