News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

01 April, 2015

A summary of Koya University research publications

Koya University was established in Oct 2003. The university has been promoting academic research throughout its relative short history. As the university growth and global presence become more demanding Koya University needs to make its publication more accessible to wider users. This will promote the overall strategy of the university as well as enlighten the best practice in knowledge transfer to younger researchers.

31 March, 2015

The status of the Kurdish language in religious discourse of the Middle Ages

Koya University researcher Dr Haidar Lashkry from Depratment of History at Faculty of Education has published a new article on Sanctification of the Language, The status of the Kurdish language in religious discourse of the Middle Ages. The article is published in Fritillaria Kurdica, No 7-8, March 2015. The publication explains that the Arab - Islamic conquest of Kurdistan led to a lot of political, social, administrative and religious developments. As a result, in the longue durée of the Middle Ages, the Arabic language becomes a legitimate language used in the areas under the Islamic caliphate, especially in the religious field. Consequently, the local languages had lost their position especially in the religious sphere. 

30 March, 2015

Int’l conference on means to prevent use of water for war

Koya University attended an “International Conference on Blue Peace in the Middle East” which was held on March 18-19, 2015 in Amman, Jordan. The conference was planned in cooperation with the WANA Institute under the patronage of HRH Prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, and with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. 

27 January, 2015

Dr. Weli Mahmud Inaugurates as New President of Koya University

In a special ceremony held on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at 10: 00 a.m. at the Koya University Presidency Hall, and in the presence of Dr. Yousif Goran, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the accompanying delegation, the former president of  Koya University, Dr. Sa'eed Salih and his vice presidents, the deans of the faculties, the staff, teachers, and students of the university and the government's and parties' representatives, in addition to other personalities from Koya, Dr. Weli Mahmud was inaugurated as the new president of Koya University.

28 November, 2014

A new research paper in Physics is published by Koya University scholar

Koya University Researcher Dr. Akram Hashim Taha Lecturer at the faculty of Science and Health, Department of Physics has published a new research paper on the properties of Aluminum Antimony nanocrystals and its electronic and some of solid state properties. The article is appeared in  the American Journal of Condensed Matter Physics, Volume 4, Issue4, 2014, Pages 63 to 70, undert titel "Electronic Structure Simulation of Aluminum Antimony Nanocrystal Using Ab-initio Density Functional Theorycoupled with Large Unit Cell Method". 

02 November, 2014

New research paper has been published in the Journal of Material Science

A new research paper entitled ‘’ Effect of the dopant salt on the optical parameters of PVA:NaNO3 solid polymer electrolyte ‘’ is being published by Koya University Researcher Dr. Fahmi Fariq, Head of Department of Physics and Lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Health. The paper has been accepted for publication in Journal of Material Science; Materials in Electronics, a peer reviewed journal which is disseminated by Springer. The journal has an impact factor of 1.966 currently.

14 October, 2014

Koya University at Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Marhaba Project launch

Koya University has been selected by Erasmus Mundus Action 2 supported by Europen Union as one of the universities representing the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Erasmus Mundus programme aims to enhance the quality of higher education and promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through mobility and academic cooperation. More about Erasmus Mundus

28 September, 2014

Koya Has Published İn International Journal On Factual Information Through Poetry

A new article has been published in the International Journal of Literature and Arts on "Factual Information through poetry" by our young lecture Mr Mustafa Wshyar.

24 September, 2014

New Article Publish İn Journal Of Applied Polymer Chemistry

Koya University researcher Mr. Rebaz Anwar Omer, lecturer at Faculty of Science and Health, Department of Chemistry, has published a new article on "Hydrogels from Dextran and Soybean Oil by UV Photo-Polymerization" in the Journal of Applied Polymer Chemistry. The research study hydrogels were synthesized by UV photo-polymerization of hydrophilic dextran functionalized with acrylate Groups (Dex-A) and hydrophobic acrylate epoxidized soybean oil.

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