News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

16 December, 2022

A Workshop Entitled "Research Ethics: Conducting Research" was held at Koya University

On the 21st of November 2022, Koya University in partnership with the UNESCO chair in education for peacebuilding and human rights at the University of Ulster (UK) conducted a workshop with the theme “Research Ethics: Conducting research". The workshop was held in the lecture hall of the school of physical education at Koya University. The workshop was presented by Dr. Sherko Kirmanj, Adjunct Professor at Koya University, and British Academy Bilateral Chair in Education, Conflict, and Crisis at Ulster University.

22 November, 2022

Department of Architecture at Koya University Held a Joint Workshop

A workshop entitled "Sustainable Building Strategies” was held by Department of Architecture at Faculty of Engineering, Koya University, with partnership of General Directorate of Human Development, Ministry of Planning, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), the workshop conducted at the Kurdistan Institute for Public Administration Hall in Erbil.

01 November, 2022

Koya University Announced the (Grant) Financial Support On its 19th Founding Anniversary

On the occasion of its 19th anniversary, Koya University declared on Tuesday 10/11/2022 that it had received more than one million dollars as financial support (Grant). In a special occasion in the Presidential Hall of Koya University, with the presence of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Amanj Abdullah Sayeed, and a large number of government officials and University professors in the Koya district,

31 October, 2022

Koya University and Kurdistan Aid Discussed The Steps of Coordination Between Them

On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, the President of Koya University, Asst. Prof .Dr.  Mohammed Haseeb Sedeeq Zangana, welcomed a delegation consisting of the head of Kurdistan Aid KAID organization Mr. Fazil Kurdi, and the artist Rostam Aghala.

29 October, 2022

KoU Faculty Of Medicine has Been Added to The List of Medical Departments of The British General Medical Council

KoU Faculty of Medicine (FMED) has Been Added to The List of Medical Departments of The British General Medical Council The British General Medical Council is the highest medical council established in 1884 ,and is responsible for trusting doctors applying for work or study in the country.

26 October, 2022

Two Lecturers in the DMAT in the FSCH Published Joint Research in an International journal

Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdulqader Othman Hamad Ameen, working in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Health, at Koya University, and Mrs. Kalle Ramazan Omar, MSc Student at the same department, published a joint research paper in the East China University of Science and Technology journal, Which is indexed in SCOPUS with ISSN: 1006-3080. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.7184183.

23 October, 2022

Department of Chemical Engineering Conducted a Scientific Trip for the Third-grade Students

Chemical Engineering Department conducted a scientific trip for the Third-grade students. Third-year students of the Chemical Engineering Department of Koya University took a scientific trip to Klessa &  Bogd's drinking water project.

20 October, 2022

Registration for the Placement Test is open at Behar English Language Center

Registration for the Placement Test is open at Behar English Language Center at Koya University. We would like to inform all applicants of English language courses that registration for the Placement Test will start today, Thursday 20/10/2022, which will be taken on Saturday 5/11/2022, by taking the following notes:

29 October, 2022

A Hall Was Opened at Koya University Under the Name of The Late Dr. Akram Hashim Taha

A Hall Was Opened at Koya University Under the Name of The Late Dr. Akram Hashim Taha On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, the Koya University Council, led by University President Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hasib Seddiq, attended the opening ceremony of a hall named after “The Late Dr. Akram Hashim Taha.

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