News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

06 April, 2023

A workshop was held by the Education, Peace and Politics Project at Koya University

within the context of the British Academy-funded Education, Peace and Policy Project (EPP). The University of Ulster and Koya University collaborated on the research. A workshop to choose a team of Koya University researchers who would undertake research within the framework of the project "Education, Peace and Policy Project (EPP)" was held on Thursday, April 6, 2023, in the hall of the Pedagogy Center at the Presidency of Koya University.

06 April, 2023

The crisis of the Humanity Sciences in Kurdistan was discussed in a workshop in the history department

The Department of History, Faculty of Education, Koya University organized its second international workshop entitled “Crisis of Humanity Sciences in Kurdistan”.

04 April, 2023

A workshop on the Risks and Safety of (LPG) was held at Koya University

In collaboration with Dana Gas Company and Taq Taq Operating Company (TTOPCO), Department of Petroleum and Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Koya University organized a workshop themed "LPG Heating System, Risks and Safety" at the workshop hall of the Faculty of Engine

03 April, 2023

The Former Editorial Board of the KUJHSS has been acknowledged by the Koya University President

  For the former editorial board of the Koya University for Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, President of Koya University Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq stated that:

29 March, 2023

A Koya University faculty member is awarded a DAAD Doctoral grant

Mr. Daban Q. Jaff, a faculty member of the Faculty of Education, Department of English Language is awarded a DAAD Doctoral grant for his project which is about an investigation of Trauma(PTSD) and Language. 

28 March, 2023

A Seminar was Held by Faculty of Engineering at Koya University

A seminar on "Development of virtual experiment plants and their use in lectures on automation and control engineering" was conducted by the faculty of engineering at Koya University in the workshop room.

26 March, 2023

Koya University President met with the New Editorial Board of Koya University Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences

  Koya University President, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq met with the new editorial board of the journal of Koya University for Humanities and Social Sciences.

17 March, 2023

In a letter, the European Architectural History Network EAHN expressed their honor in hosting a joint conference with Koya University

  The International Conference on “Heritage in Danger” supervising committee and the president of Koya University, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Haseeb Siddiq, has received a formal letter from the European Network for Architectural History (EAHN). The International Conference " Heritage in Danger " supervisory committee and the Koya University president were acknowledged by the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) in an official letter. The EAHN also commended the conference's orderly organization and conduct.  

14 March, 2023

A group from Koya University took part in a session on curriculum design and researching the demands of the labor market

A team from Koya University actively participated in a course on curriculum design and scientific research of labor market needs. Asst. Prof. Dr. Rahel Khalid Ibrahim, Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul-Basit Kamil Faiq, Dr. Saman Tahir Faraj, M. Hana Ali Mahmoud, and Rebaz Abdulaziz Qadir were part of a Koya University team that attended a training session on scientific study of labor market needs and curriculum design on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.  

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