News & Events

News & Events of Koya University.

23 March, 2020

A KOU Professor Publishing a Research Article with Springer

  Professor Salah I. Yahya from the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Koya University with a research group from Iran, Vietnam and Malaysia published a research article entitled “Design of a low-loss microstrip diplexer with a compact size based on coupled meandrous open-loop resonators” in the Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Journal. The paper presents design and fabrication of a novel microstrip diplexer. It has two quite close channels at 1.67 GHz and 1.88 GHz make it suitable for FDD schemes and GSM applications.  Journal Coverage: Clarivate Analytics (Wos: IF = 0.823) Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Expanded Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology Electronics & Telecommunications Collection SCOPUS: Q3

21 March, 2020

A Researcher from KOU Published a Research Paper in the Journal of Materials Research and Technology

Dr. Fahmi F. Mohammadsharif at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Health, Koya University Published a new resaerch articlle entitled "A new insight into the temperature induced molecular aggregations in tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) metals." The research article has been published in the Journal of Materials Research and Technology which indexed by Clarivate Analytics with IF=3.327 and SCOPUS with Level Q1. The article authors are: Fahmi F. Muhammadsharif, Suhairul Hashim, Khaulah Sulaiman, G. Baldacchini. The results achived by this reseach article opened a new route of fabricating highly emissive thin films of amorphous nanostructure, which are specifically important for organic light emitting diode (OLED) based displays.  

21 March, 2020

KOU Researcher Published a Study on New Framework to Detect Coronavirus disease COVID-19 using Onboard Smartphone Sensors

A research group including a researcher from Koya University, Dr. Halgurd Sarhang Maghdid, published a study entitled "A Novel AI-enabled Framework to Diagnose Coronavirus COVID 19 using Smartphone Embedded Sensors: Design Study" in the arXiv archive. The research group proposed a new framework to detect coronavirus disease COVID-19 using onboard smartphone sensors. The study authors are: Halgurd S. Maghdid, Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Ali Safaa Sadiq, Kevin Curran, Khaled Rabie

20 March, 2020

A Professor from KOU with a Research Group from KUT and UTM published a Research Paper in the AEU

A Group of researchers from Kermanshah University of Technology (KUT), Koya University and the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) published a research paper entitled “A novel microstrip diplexer with compact size and high isolation for GSM applications” in the AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. The paper Presents a novel high-performance microstrip diplexer to operate at 0.78 GHz and 1.85 GHz for GSM applications. Professor Salah I. Yahya is among the researchers, from the Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Koya University. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications is indexed by Clarivate Analytics with IF=2.853 and indexed by SCOPUS with level Q2.  

16 March, 2020

KOU Started Online e-Learning

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all the Universities and institutions in Iraq and the whole world are closed now. The Study may be pursued in April, as the KRG and KOU announced, but we should have our plan B if the situation will be worse and the Universities will remain closed till June or even later. KOU started the online e-lecturing program to be in touch with their students and the students can take their lectures, assignements online while they are staying at home.

15 March, 2020

A Group of Researchers at KOU Published a Research Article in ARO Journal

A Group of researchers; Hayder H, Abbas, Fakhri H. Ibraheem, Ahmad A. Maaroof from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Koya University published a new original research article entitled  "Pollution Problems in Koya City due to Private Electrical Generators" in the Volume 7, Number 2 (2019) issue of ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University. 

14 March, 2020

Call for Papers: 2020 International Conference on Resources Management

The 2020 International Conference on Resources Management, November 18-19, 202o in Koya, Koya University is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the Resources Management. This conference is a prestigious event, organized to provide an international platform for academicians, researchers, managers, industrial participants and students to share their research findings with global experts.  

11 March, 2020

A Group of Researchers from KOU Participated the 6th IEC 2020 Conference by Presenting a Scientific Paper

A Group of Researchers from KOU Participated the 6th International Conference on Engineering (IEC 2020) Conference by Presenting a Scientific Paper. The paper has been presented by Dr. Galawezh B. Bapir, from Faculty of Engineering at Koya University. The  IEC 2020 has been held in Feb. 26-27, 2020 by Tishk International University and Erbil Polytechnic University and technically sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Iraq section.

08 March, 2020

A Group of Researchers at KOU Published a Research Article in ARO Journal

A Group of researchers; Dr. Yazen A. Khaleel and Prof. Salah I. Yahya from the Department of Software Engineering, and Dr. Rahel Kh. Ibrahim from the Department of Civil Engineering at KOU published a new original research article entitled  "Skin Temperature Distribution over Human Head Due to Handheld Mobile Phone Call using Thermal Imaging Camera" in the Volume 7, Number 2 (2019) issue of ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University.  ARO is published by Koya University with e-ISSN: 2307-549X, p-ISSN: 2410-9355, and DOI: 10.14500/2307-549X. ARO is a journal of research articles, review articles, and letters to editor. ARO is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original works in areas of Science and Engineering. ARO has been indexed by DOAJ and got DOAJ Seal. ARO has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), a new edition of Web of Science™ - Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) since Feb 2016.

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